Summer time means Road Trips and Convention...
A recent image of me captured while teaching a wedding photography class at Bossier Parish Community College (BPCC)
This image was made by one of my students,
Cristie Magnusson wile I was explaining Depth of Field.
This summer brings a close to my fourth year teaching at BPCC, which I love doing almost as much as photography itself - because I learn as much as I share.
This Fall I will again be teaching Digital Photography at BPCC
mean while Zogail and I will be departing for one of the many road trips we are committed to this summer.
The first is called Pro4um school
where we will be sharing and learning with some 200 other working professional photographers.
We are committed to learning how to better serve and provide even more great images to you our customers.
Schools and Seminars are just one of the ways we learn how to do this, it also helps keep us passionate and motivated to provide the best there is to our clients as well as the students that I teach.
After 4 days at Pro4Um school we come home for a few dyas and then we head out to Children's Portrait Professionals International convention where we will learn even more and have also been asked to share a few tips of our own.
From there we take a few days to relax with old friends in Alabama and Georgia and then back home.
Mean while Jayne (Steve's Mom) will be manning our Studio and will accomodate any questions and or appointment requests.
Zogail and I hope you and yours have a fantastic summer
and if you still need a portrait session please telephone us as soon as possible and we will find a slot between our road trips !